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Oge Austin-Chukwu

What do you see?

What do you see? It may seem like a simple question at face value. But it’s a question that’s not about whether you have 20/20 vision or not. Rather it’s about what you see when you look into your future. I get it. There’s so much water under the bridge, so much uncertainty about what’s next, perhaps lots of unfulfilled dreams. For various reasons we don’t like to look too far into the future, or even speculate about it. One of the commonest reasons for this is fear. Fear that we may be disappointed if we don't get what we go after. Perhaps you don’t exactly like where you are headed but at the same time you feel somewhat powerless to change your course. Or could it be that you are just too busy dealing with the daily grind to spare the time it will take to consider where you’ll be tomorrow?

Athletes (and coaches) often use a technique known as visualization or future pacing. It involves getting whoever you are working with to picture themselves in the future that they are aspiring to. I use it with my clients when I feel it’s the right thing to do. I encourage them to experience that moment in the future with as many of their senses as they possibly can - see it, hear it, feel it etc. This can be a powerful exercise because human beings will often pursue what they can see, even if that picture is only in their imagination. That is why advertisements are so effective. We see it, then we want it even if it wasn’t on our mind before, and finally we go after it. That’s how you ended up with that new item of clothing you didn’t really need, or the piece of furniture that was too big for the space in your lounge and the list goes on. How about putting your power of visualization to better use?

When you look into your future what do you see?

Where will your business or organization or close relationships be in five years? Ten years? Twenty?

How would you have grown personally and professionally?

If all you see is slugging and fruitless hard work then guess what – that’s what you’ll probably get. If on the other hand you see yourself going from strength to strength, in both personal and professional areas of your life then you are more likely to achieve that or something very close.

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.” Henry Ford.

You can’t do much about our past, but you do have a say about where you will find yourself tomorrow. You can make choices today that will reap good fruit tomorrow. It is never too late to begin again; as long as you have breath and are willing to do what it takes; you can change your destiny.

But it all starts with changing the picture in your mind.

Your brain thinks largely in pictures. That’s why there’s that saying that a picture speaks louder than a thousand words. It is why people who have dreams that they can visualize usually go ahead to achieve them in the face of life’s biggest challenges and setbacks.

You can read more about this in my E-Book Make it Happen. Get your copy here.

Now I am not saying that all it is going to take is visualizing where you would like to see yourself or your organization in the future. There is no doubt you are going to need a lot of hard work, persistence and wise decisions. Visualization exercises are not an excuse for being lazy or sitting on your backside when you should be out there doing all you can to get where you want to be. But you can’t go after what you can’t see.

There is no motivation to pursue what doesn’t inspire you to action.

A while ago I read about a man who failed and went broke five times before he finally succeeded. He didn’t give up because he saw a different mode of transport that others around him somehow couldn’t see. That man’s name was Henry Ford. We owe the automobile to the power of his vision.

What do you see? The good news is that you can change what see if you don’t like the look of it. Get a vision for yourself or your organization that will fill you with excitement and enthusiasm every time you think about it. Write it down so that you don’t forget. Or draw a picture of it.

Then go out there and make it happen.

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