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The Power of Many

I know this works because I’ve tried it.

If you have ever wondered why large successful companies have a board of directors this is one of the reasons why. The company is more likely to succeed when you bring together a group of people who have a common goal or vision together, their combined wisdom, experience and energy leads to new ideas and ultimately – growth. The concept of mastermind groups was first introduced by Napoleon Hill, the author of the famous book, Think and Grow Rich.

He sais this about these groups: "No two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third, invisible intangible force, which may be likened to a third mind."

“The beauty of Mastermind Groups is that participants raise the bar by challenging each other to create and implement goals, brainstorm ideas, and support each other with total honesty, respect and compassion.”’ So says Karyn Greenstreet, owner of Passion for Business and a well know Entrepreneur and Business Coach.

Stephanie Burns, founder and CEO of Chic CEO - a free resource for female entrepreneurs looking to start their own business says that: ‘masterminds are incredible and can do wonders for your business as well as for you, personally. Growing in a group is not only more effective, it’s quite a bit more fun!

Some years ago, I was a bit stuck in the direction my business was going. I knew I needed somewhere where I could bounce ideas off other business owners and solopreneurs like myself so I looked for a mastermind group to join. It was like looking for a needle in a haystack! There were certainly not many options jumping out at me and I couldn’t seem to find one that was close enough for me to get to. Finally I came across a Business coach that was running a group about an hour and half from where I lived. It was by far the closest, but I knew that I needed this so I joined.

Over the next six months we met once a month for about three hours each time. It was invaluable. Not only did my I gain clarity about where I should be heading with my business but I diversified the services I was offering. I gained the confidence to increase my fees because I saw the value of what I was offering. In addition to that I had the satisfaction of helping the other members of the group with their own challenges and seeing their businesses grow and develop. It really was a win-win. I was impacted by the experience enough to start my first mastermind group shortly afterwards with great success. Whether you are a business owner or just want to advance your career or leadership role, mastermind groups are of great benefit.

These are some of the benefits you would expect from joining a mastermind group:

1. It will help you brainstorm new possibilities.

2. Create a community of supportive colleagues who will help you come up with new ideas and solutions that move you to new heights.

3. Helps you set up an accountability structure that keeps you focused as you pursue your work and personal goals

4. Benefit from the wisdom and experience of the others in the group and even learn new skills!

5. Create a valuable support network for yourself

6. Do away with the ‘feeling alone’ that sometimes comes with being a small business owner or a leader

7. Find people to collaborate and do joint ventures together

8. Expand your network – with all the benefits that this brings with it.

9. Gain confidence to stretch yourself and go beyond your comfort zone. You start to think bigger and attempt things you may not have considered doing prior to joining

10. Have your own board of directors (without the large salaries) that help you with decision making

11. Increase your sense of well-being and fulfillment as you support others to achieve their own goals.

Convinced? I certainly hope so. For information about my next group I offer, click here.

Or contact me if what you want isn’t featured.


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