A fashionable buzzword or the real deal?
Service Description
In light of staff shortages, ever changing work patterns, greater expectations from clients, it seems like there has never been a time when managing stress well is as crucial as now. We cannot really talk about stress management without also looking at the concept of resilience. Without resilience, it is almost impossible to manage stress well. While different people have different stressors and handle stress differently, one thing is common to all – stress can and does have negative effects on our emotional, mental and physical health. Stress is a normal physical response to events that threaten or upset your equilibrium in some way. Research has shown that stress can and does cause major damage to your health, mood, productivity, relationships, and quality of life as a whole. For most of us, stress builds up over time and we don’t realise that we are stressed until things come to a head and something significant happens. A major determinant of how an individual copes with stress is their resilience. Resilience is necessary for success in work, business and personal life. But despite all the rave about this concept of resilience, is it just a fashionable fad or can it really make a difference on the way we work and live? Join me in this virtual 2-hour interactive session where we will answer the following questions and dive deep into this whole concept. • What is resilience? • Why are some people more resilient than others? Is there any science behind this? • How does resilience affect people in the work environment? • Can resilience be built and if so how? • How will increasing my resilience affect my productivity and satisfaction with work? • I think I am quite resilient but how do I increase my team’s resilience? At just £15, and from the comfort of your own home, can you afford to miss this? Book now to be assured of your place, as spaces are limited.
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